Seorang pemimpin yang baik tidak bisa melangkah terlalu jauh meninggalkan para pengikutnya -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bosan kerja untuk orang lain ?
Ingin penghasilan tambahan ?
Mau buka usaha sendiri tapi tidak punya modal ?
Cari usaha yang tidak bikin repot dan beresiko ?
Tidak punya tempat untuk buka usaha?

Jangan bingung. Segeralah bergabung dengan kami dan anda akan merasakan mendapat pasif income yang makin lama makin besar. Pasif income puluhan juta, bahkan ratusan juta rupiah. Daftar Sekarang !

20 Maret 2009

Motivation Words

If we can not love the person whom we see,
how can we love GOD..
whom we can not see...?

by Mother Teresa

I will not say I failed 1000 times,
I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways
that can cause failure...

by Thomas Edison

If someone feels that
they had never made a mistake in their life,
then it means they had never tried a new thing
in their life...

by Einstein

If you born poor
it is not your mistake..
But if you die poor
then it is your mistake

by Bill Gates

Three sentences for getting SUCCESS :
1. Know more than other
2. Work more than other
3. Expect less than other

by William Shakespeare

Winning doesn't always mean being first..
Winning means you're doing better
than you've done before!!

by Bonnie Blair

Believing everybody is dangerous..
Believing No Body is very dangerous..!!

by Abraham Lincoln

Don't compare your self
with anyone in this world.
If you do so, you are insulting your self.

by Alen Strike